+39 049 9004142 info@inesco.it Via A. Volta, 55 - 35030 VEGGIANO (PD)

Let’s fight the coronavisrus together – sanitize your places

A clean and sanitized environment with professional sanitation methods and systems can prevent the onset of allergies, as well as other respiratory and skin disorders, thus helping to promote the working well-being of employees.

The Coronavirus emergency has further highlighted the importance of a hygienic-sanitary approach as the main tool to combat bacteria and viruses.

It follows, therefore, that the sanitation of workplaces, carried out with targeted and frequent interventions by specialized companies, can be decisive as a precautionary measure for combating the spread of the virus, in addition to the onset of other diseases.

But we are now certain that sanitation should not be considered as an extraordinary activity, but as an ordinary procedure with constant and periodic frequency.

In short, it will be included, for the next months, among the daily activities that we will do quickly, easily and without any weight, at the beginning and / or end of our working day.

Contact us for more information and for a quote on the sanitation service!